🎁 Giving self-improvement gifts (the right way)

This is Better Gift Coach, where we teach you how to not fall flat on your face when walking the tightrope of coming off as supportive (and not judgmental) when you’re giving someone a gift that helps them achieve their new year's resolution.

Speaking of new year’s resolutions…if you’re pledging to be a better gift-giver in the new year, we’re here to make that easier for you. Our year-round emails are your 1-minute-a-week shortcut to always having great gift ideas well in advance. All you need to do is continue to read our emails even when it’s not the gift-giving season.

Letter from future you after winning gift-giving next year

Estimated read time: 1 minute & 54 seconds


The “self-improvement" Gift

My wife gave me a Christmas gift that literally changed the course of my life. Back in 2007, I was ready for a career change, but was stuck on how to begin my journey to find something new. My wife knew I was seeking a spark, so she gifted me sessions with a success coach. My coach provided a roadmap for how I could get from point A to B. The coach also gave me the confidence I needed to make the leap into an entry-level position which later led to many new experiences, multiple positions, and professional growth. Years later, that career path led me to co-found a creative marketing agency and run my own business. It all started with that gift.

Adam from Florida (cofounder, VAMPT Co.)

What's the best self-improvement gift you've ever received/given?



  • Gifts that truly change lives are priceless

  • If expensive, could be a great group gift

  • Life changing experience > experience > material object

  • Demonstrates that you really care about the recipient’s well-being


📂  If this gift idea is save-worthy, create a “Gift Ideas” inbox folder & file it away for future use ~or~ find it again in our library.

Tags to find similar stories: virtual, group, experience, last-minute, tradition



Words of caution for self-improvement gifts:

  • Must be perceived as supportive (not judgmental)

  • Be VERY CAUTIOUS of giving something unwelcomed

Find coaches to help folks with their goals:

Gift ideas for common self-improvement goals:


  • Do you know any of your friend’s/family’s self-improvement goals?

  • Who might be most appreciative of a self-improvement gift?


  • Spouses/partners or someone who is on the cusp of a major transition in their life

And introduce them to your favorite 1-minute a week shortcut to always having awesome gift ideas well in advance. They can read past editions and subscribe here.


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All the best,Patrick KucharsonBetter Gift Coach™

P.S. - Thank you to everyone who submitted stories of their worst gifts ever received. Here are a couple that stood out...and one that broke my brain.

I got a Blockbuster card for Christmas from a family friend and when we went to the store to pick out a video game to rent, turns out the card has $16 on it (it says $25 on the card) and was regifted so much within my mother's circle of friends that the card was expired and we could not even use the remaining balance.


A certain family member (not to be named) would give me any and all snowmen. The worst was snowman toilet paper... That is taking it way too far!


The worst gift I ever received was definitely that time I opened up naughty lingerie from…my mother in law. I was mortified. And to top it off we all take turns opening gifts so everyone can look to see what we got. My kids were eager with anticipation to see what was in my box. Obviously my response to them was just go ask your Nana and let her tell you. My husband was mortified as well, and obviously confused given the random choice of gift for me. I’m typically an easy person to get a gift for and she had never given me anything remotely like that. It will always be the worst gift I’ve ever been given.

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