🎁 Gift recipient masterclass

This is Better Gift Coach, where most of the time we focus on how you can be a better gift giver, but today we focus on how you can be a better gift recipient. Gulp….

Estimated read time: 2 minute & 25 seconds


The “gift recipient’s" Gift (for the gift-giver)

I never expected an unremarkable green sweater would lead to so many surprise smiles! A few years back, my adult niece wanted a sweater for Christmas. She opened the gift and said thank you. Assuming my gift achieved a satisfactory mark, I never would have expected to even think about that sweater again. That is until my niece started a tradition of randomly texting me photos of her when she happens to be wearing the sweater. For several years now, I have received these random photos and, without fail, they bring a huge smile to my face and create a new way for us to rather effortlessly keep in touch.

Terry from Florida

What's the best gift you've ever received/given?



  • Relationship bonding on easy-mode

  • Showing appreciation for the gift is the best gift a recipient can give the gift-giver 

  • Creates a positive feedback loop that the gift was a success (which informs future gifts)

📂 If this gift idea is save-worthy, create a “Gift Ideas” inbox folder & file it away for future use ~or~ find it again in our library.

Tags to find similar stories: experience, best practices



For getting in the zone:

  • Gift-giving shouldn’t be a competition

  • Challenge yourself to set an example for any kids

  • Prepare your poker-face/canned lines for bad gifts

  • Helpful article - How to Deal with Getting Bad Christmas Gifts

  • Think of gratitude as a muscle to be exercised, not as an instinct

For being in the moment:

  • Be in full-receive mode – full attention while trying to savor the card, the packaging, and the gift’s thoughtfulness

  • If possible, don’t rob a gift-giver of the satisfaction of seeing you opening the gift (Zoom, FaceTime, etc. make it easy to allow someone to be virtually present)

For follow-up appreciation:

For course correction following bad gift:

  • Try to get them wish lists (even if you go through someone else)

  • Ask them what they want so they (hopefully) feel comfortable doing the same

  • If providing critical feedback, make it very clear that the gift is the issue, not the gift-giver and their intentions/efforts. Approach the conversation as if you are on the same team and that team’s objective is to have positive gift-giving experiences for both parties.


  • How can you be the best gift-recipient this holiday season? ____

  • What will you say when someone gives you a bad gift? ____


  • Your adult children (be ready for the “ugh…I know, mom”)

And introduce them to your favorite 1-minute a week shortcut to always having awesome gift ideas well in advance. They can read past editions and subscribe here.


All the best,Patrick KucharsonBetter Gift Coach™

Want more? Here's a few of our past popular posts:🎁 Last-minute gift ideas🎁 Surprise that’ll 3x Grinch’s Heart🎁 Perfect gift already in your house

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